Isaiah 11:6 lion and the lamb, has been modified to WOLF and the lamb. also be wary of those who have 33 in their names – freemasons obsession with the temporary death of Christ at 33? as for bible changes, cern’s mandela effect? but God knows all and has planned accordingly His thoughts are HIGHER than ours.
Someone here claimed the Geneva used the Septuagint. As someone who reads the Septuagint regularly, I can confirm that this is absolutely NOT the case. Read the Brenton for yourself and compare. It reads like the Masoretic in every instance, if the Geneva used the Septuagint then the KJV and every other Bible for that matter would have many visible omissions in the OT like the NIV’s NT with missing verses. The text is still missing in the Bible you just can’t tell unless you read the Septuagint because verse numbers were established in the Geneva using the Masoretic Text.
Thank you Cadet for your comments! I am still confused about the Masoretic text verses the Septuagint. Wasn’t the Septuagint used during the time of Christ? Wasn’t the Masoretic text compiled by Jesus of Nazareth hating Jews hundreds of years after the Septuagint? One thing I do know for sure: The Masoretic text agrees with what I teach about Daniel 9:27. It was a prophecy fulfilled in Christ. Jesus confirmed the Covenant of grace through faith God made with Abraham. It’s nothing to do with Israel in the endtime as modern English Bibles seem to say. Can you help me?
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
Revelation 12:3
Arab League
Formal name:
The Arab League was formed in Cairo on 22 March 1945, initially with seven members:
1. Egypt(1945 kingdom fallen)
2. Iraq(1945 kingdom fallen)
3. Transjordan(1945 kingdom fallen)
4. Syria(1945 kingdom fallen)
5. North Yemen(1945 kingdom fallen)
6. Saudi Arabia(1945 kingdom still is and does have a king/president/leader)
7. Lebanon(1945 kingdom still is but currently does NOT have a king/president/leader)
Five kings are fallen, one is…
Revelation 17:9-11
And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
I understand your view but I don’t understand how you could possibly defend it when looking at the big prophetic picture. Scripture interprets other scripture, as you say, and it does indeed. It seems to me that you’re using singls verses to interpret single verses and taking both out of context. Furthermore, you’re completely ignoring the fact that history is prophetic as well.
Take the Exodus for example. The Passover lamb clearly represents Christ dying, and his blood causes death to pass over us. Historical event fulfilled!!! But that’s just the beginning. Israel then proceeded to wander the wilderness for forty years. Why? Because they rejected the word of God. Jesus is the Word whom Israel rejected(then the gospel was turned to the gentiles), and yup, you guessed it, forty years went by and they still rejected it. This was the upside-down entering of the Promised Land. The faithful entered with Joshua(Yeshua) in 1400s bc, and the unfaithful were expelled without Jesus(Yeshua) in 70ad.
Although your view makes very good points with the time length, the Pope, etc, I think that Revelation 13 and Daniel 7 together make it very clear. Have you noticed the beasts of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome are the same beasts mentioned when describing the beast in Revelation 13? This is history being prophetically fulfilled. What I mean is that there will be nations(kingdoms) that rise against nations(kingdoms) the way Jesus described the end would be. In this time period, there will be a Babylon type who reigns first(possibly America), a Persia type who devours much flesh(perhaps Russia, the way things are going), Greece type with four heads(Iran and their proxies maybe), and lastly, the Rome type(EU, NATO, UN, or something like BRICS).
The people of the prince could refer to the Roman legions that came from Antioch, which was made up of a majority of Syrian people. This ethnic group has close ties with Catholicism, which I do think has some prophetic historical significance. Maronite Christians are what you would call this peculiar group today. The President of Lebanon must be Maronite Christian. Lebanon is essentially the same word Leban in Hebrew, which means “white”(white horse rider?), but Laban(“white”) was where Jacob fled to when he was in TROUBLE with his angry brother. It was there where he worked for SEVEN years to wed Rachel only to find out that he was DECEIVED. A prophetic historical event? Jacob was 77 years old when he fled to Labans house. Israel is about to turn 77 this next May.
Are you saying General Titus was filled with the Holy Ghost? *Side eye* Even worse, are you saying that Jesus desolated the temple in order to spread abominations? How do you reconcile your view when compared to Matthew 24:15-21? Much worse tribulations have happened since 70 AD, namely the Holocaust. Or how about comparing your view to II Thessalonians 2:4 and Revelation 13:5-8?
This scripture is pointing to a person who comes after the destruction of the second temple, in the days of the construction of the third temple, who fulfills the type of Antiochus Epiphanes. How do we know this? Daniel 9:26 is the sin of Judah as prophesied in Ezekiel 4, and the seige of Jerusalem 40 years later(a day for each year on his side). Their sin was rejecting and killing the Son of God written as Messiah cut off, and the flood/desolation was the Romans utterly destroying the temple and the priestly services.
In Daniel 9:27, it’s ALL been restored during the first half or beginning of the final week. This last verse takes place after the second restoration of Jerusalem, that’s why Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy began with the decree to restore Jerusalem. It’s almost as if the entire 70 weeks prophecy was a big picture of the 70th week itself, with Antiochus Epiphanes 290 years in the midst of it. Almost looks like 1290, huh?
Thank you for your comments. The answers to your questions are very easy to answer when we apply the principle of Scripture interprets other Scripture.
I am not saying General Titus was filled with the Holy Ghost. Was King Nebuchadnezzar filled with the Holy Ghost when he destroyed Jerusalem and the first Temple? No. But yet he was God’s tool to punish the Jews for their idolatry.
Luke interprets what the Abomination of Desolation of Matthew 24:15 is:
Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Luke 21:20 ¶And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
21 Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.
22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
These passages are clearly talking about the war Rome fought with the Jews in 70 A.D. Matthew called it “great tribulation” but Luke called it “days of vengeance.” Vengeance upon whom? The Jesus Christ rejecting Jews! The believers in Jesus obeyed Him and fled Jerusalem and Judea and escaped to the mountains and were saved. And yet people think this is a FUTURE event?! It’s clearly not! It’s fulfilled prophecy!
Thessalonians 2:4 is NOT about a future rebuilt temple the Antichrist sits in! It’s about the popes of Rome sitting in the Church, the Temple of Christ, proclaiming himself to be Christ on earth! This is what ALL the early Protestants used to teach and believe! It was a Jesuit trick to throw the final 7 years of the 70 Weeks prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 in order to get the Protestants to think Antichrist / Man of Sin, is a future person, and not one continually with them in the popes of Rome.
Please do a little more research on this. I know what you believe and why. I believed it too for 40 some years because I was taught the futurist view of Daniel, Matthew 24, and the Book of Revelation when I was a babe in Christ, and I had no reason at the time to question it. Babes don’t know anything, right? They can only trust what their teacher has to say. I submit to you that nobody can say the Covenant of Daniel 9:27 is confirmed by the Antichrist who makes a future treaty with the Jews by reading that passage on their own. The Holy Spirit doesn’t teach that. They were led into the futurist view by a teacher told them so.
Please read a more comprehensive article on my other web site about this subject:
I am confused – I have been taught that the “Bible” is literal Truth however the more I learn the more concern I have about different biblical “versions”.
I was recently listening to Christian radio and the commentator said that the Lords Prayer – Our Father who art in heaven, etc. includes the final passage “For Thine is the Kingdon, the power and glory for ever and ever, Amen” was added by the King James Transaltion and never spoken by Jesus.
Please anyone help me with this dilemma – thank you – John TEN.KNILHTRAEnull@EZARPPA
It’s not that the King James Version added words, the problem is modern English translations subtracted words! And why? Because modern English translations are based on corrupt manuscripts! Please see
Don’t stoop my friend to answer back,
Why not just LET IT PASS?
You’ll find this giving word for word
Will never pay, alas!
Though ’tis true of human nature
This giving tit for tat,
Yet truly happy folks have found
A better way than that.
And though it seems impossible
It’s better in the end
To let them have their way, and then
Just LET IT PASS my friend.
I know sometimes it’s very hard,
And seems it can’t be done,
But if you learn this better way
A victory will be won;
For you will save what’s só worthwhile-
Both time and feelings, too,
When you ignore what has been said,
Don’t try to argue through.
For then you’ll know without a doubt
‘Twas better in the end,
To let them have their way, and then
Just LET IT PASS, my friend.
Now some folks always answer back
They never hold their peace;
In trying to defend themselves
It seems they never cease;
Giving vent to every feeling
Whatever’s on the mind
Regardless of the consequence,
Then, after all, to find
It didn’t pay and would have been
Much better in the end
To have borne it all in silence
And LET IT PASS, my friend.
Truly great folks never stoop
To answer petty things;
The unkind word, the bitter cut
That rankles deep and stings.
They are too big to notice them,
They simply pass them by,
And even with a smile sometimes
Or twinkle in the eye.
For they have found that after all
‘Twas better in the end
To meet it with a smile, and then
Just let it pass, my friend.
Long ago, was One who wouldn’t stoop
To answer back again,
But silently bore the paintings
Of cruel relentless men;
“Brought to the slaughter as a lamb
No blemish, His, or spot
Though He was oppressed, afflicted,
His mouth, He opened not.”
And why? – I think I understand,
‘Twas better in the end
We should know by His example
Just to LET IT PASS, my friend.
If you download the 1611 kjv app on your phone. The old English is comparable. Still uses repent instead of Amend, but somewhat similar. I was told that there were 2 different transcripts that existed. The Geneva used one transcript and the KJV used the other transcript. which would explain the differences we see. The research that needs to be done is what groups of people did those 2 transcripts come from. It is my understanding that the King James who had the transcripts translated was a black King. His father a Moor. I do believe he was inspired by the Holy spirit to get this job done, a d nobody can prove that he purposefully changed things. he just used a different transcript then the Geneva. Remember Most High changes the heart of men as he did in the scriptures with Pharaoh and many other Kings. Thanks for the article though. May truth continue to prosper. All Praise To The Most High God Of Abraham, Issac & Israel.
Love is like a painting, with each color adding depth and richness to the canvas. The color of love is not just one shade; it’s a beautiful blend of hues that create a masterpiece of emotion.
In all the arguing against a pre tribulational rapture, or the catching away of the church, the body of Christ consisting of born again believers not just nominal “christians” I have yet to see just ONE, scriptural reason given, for the church of true believers being on the earth during the time that God is judging it. His judgements are for the earth dwellers, those who DON’T believe in Jesus Christ, and for His dealing with Israel to bring her to repentence with the result that ALL of the set aside remnant of ISRAEL, (not the church) will be saved, as HE returns for them. Why not the church, because she as the bride has been taken by Jesus to His FATHERS house, hence will not be on the earth when Jesus begins His judgemnts of the world. Please provide one good contextual reason, from Scripture, why the church should be present under Gods judgement.
I would bet money you didn’t get that from the Bible. It was taught to you by an Endtime Bible prophecy teacher who was influenced by that evil Cyrus I. Scofield’s false doctrines of Dispensationalism – doctrines the Church did not embrace until the 20th century.
Yes shame is the correct expression of exposed sin, in my view. Must say that the more I look into the KJV the more I am drawn to the Geneva 1599.
If the Septuagint was a ‘hoax’ and the apocryphal books came out of it, can anyone explain why Enoch is cited in the NT? It’s my one unanswered query, in order to finally debunk the idea that Jesus read it.
I heard the book of Enoch that is available online is NOT the same book of Enoch cited in Jude. It’s full of Gnostic heresies. It teaches salvation by works. Please see:
Re: naked and shame
yes! in Genesis 2, adam & eve were both naked and not ashamed because they have not disobeyed God’s Command.
so in Genesis 3, when they disobeyed God’s Command immediately they saw/felt naked(shame).
Geneva Bible in my opinion is correct to use the word “shame”.
any wrong negative uncomfortable thing makes one feel shame and naked can mean just not wear clothes.
Hopefully there is interest in this Topic still. Has anyone noticed the Difference in Ephesians the Whole Armor of God in verse 12, From Geneva to KJV?
KJV Esphesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Geneva 1560 Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, *and against the worldly gouernours*, the princes of the darkenesse of this worlde, against spirituall wickednesses, which are in ye hie places.
I went ahead and marked “*” where they took out text.
the text reads, “and against the worldly governors”
Can anybody else find more scriptures that were ommitted based on Jesus Christ and his scriptures being a threat to governments and people in the high places?
My email: moc.liamgnull@33orevirodrareg
I’m also on Facebook, Gerardo Rivero. im in a black shirt on my profile picture.
Thank you in Advance, May God Bless You, And Give You Confidence To Speak And Seek Boldy! We May Be Living a Revised Truth, Just Seeking Unrevised Truth. God Bless Your Souls To Keep!
Chapter and verse from the Scriptures, please, of what the Apostle Paul taught about that. I see no such teaching of a pre-tribulation rapture from the Apostle Paul. If you identify the rapture as a rescue from persecution, it should have happened centuries ago. How many of the saints of God have already been killed by the Popes of Rome? Estimates are as high as 150,000,000.
Mark 11 Geneva bible
22 And Jesus answered, and said unto them, Have the faith of God.
I heard a whole sermon on this passage today. It is also found in the literal translation. Of God means something different than IN God.
I also am very moved to read in John in the Geneva bible, the water OF life, rather than living waters. Also a big difference to me, as well.
I am confused what to read. I don’t like how this Cambridge I have has a red perimeter and black cover. I find more meaning in the Geneva passages but then I read people saying the mistakes in the Geneva are unacceptable.
Hhhmmm. I am new to this.
No translation is perfect! There are mistakes in the Geneva Bible but there are verses that I consider better translated in the Geneva Bible than the KJV. For example, Romans 1:27 in denunciation of homosexual acts between men says in the KJV:
“men with men working that which is unseemly”
The Geneva Bible says:
“and man with man wrought filthiness”
I would say the Geneva Bible is better, clearer, and definitely stronger in this verse!
From Pro firmament on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From Charley Moon on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From James Arendt on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From Cadet on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From James Arendt on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From Aaron on Daniel 9:27 - The Most Misinterpreted Prophecy in the Bible!
From Aaron on Daniel 9:27 - The Most Misinterpreted Prophecy in the Bible!
From Aaron on Daniel 9:27 - The Most Misinterpreted Prophecy in the Bible!
From James Arendt on Daniel 9:27 - The Most Misinterpreted Prophecy in the Bible!
From bonita on Testimonial of a man who rose above afflications and heartbreak
From Deepu Joy on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From John Paul Middleton on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From James Arendt on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From Joseph on Let it pass
From Jovanny on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From James Arendt on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From Wayne on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From Raymond on The Color of Love
From Greg Newberry on Kent Hovind Changes His Position on the Doctrine of Pre-Tribulation Rapture
From James Arendt on Kent Hovind Changes His Position on the Doctrine of Pre-Tribulation Rapture
From John on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From James Arendt on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From Nkechi on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From Gerardo Rivero on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From Erik on Daniel 9:27 - The Most Misinterpreted Prophecy in the Bible!
From James Arendt on Daniel 9:27 - The Most Misinterpreted Prophecy in the Bible!
From gina on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From James Arendt on The King James Version compared to the Geneva Bible
From Margaret Lewallen on The Incredible Journey
From James Arendt on The Incredible Journey