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Westboro Baptist Church’s false doctrine of hatred exposed

Westboro Baptist Church’s false doctrine of hatred exposed

Westboro Baptist church hate signs
Westboro Baptist church hate signs

Oct. 4, 2012: Yesterday I listened on YouTube what two granddaughters of Fred Phelps, the pastor of the infamous Westboro Church in Topeka Kansas, had to say, “I’d rather the whole world go to hell. Yeah, that’s just fine with me because … whatever God’s Will is, is great by us.” (From )

And then they talked about disasters and future disasters as the work of God and laughed about it! It grossed me out. Their attitude is the exact opposite of the Message of the Bible!

1 Timothy 2:4  Who (God) will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

These girls are literally laughing at people dying and burning in hell! Does God do that? The Bible says:

Ezekiel 33:11  Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

The message of the Phelps' girls: I'd rather you go to hell!
The message of the Phelps’ girls: “We’d rather you burn in hell!”

I was particularly disturbed by the “God hates you” sign held by one of the members of the Westboro Baptist church. Does the Bible say that? I did a Bible study using the nifty Theophilos Bible software. It was created for MS Windows but runs just fine in Linux under WINE. Theophilos Bible uses the good old KJV, the most authoritative English version of the Bible.Read More »Westboro Baptist Church’s false doctrine of hatred exposed

Some White Nationalists’ / neo-Nazis’ belief: Jesus was white and Shem the father of the white race

Some White Nationalists’ / neo-Nazis’ belief: Jesus was white and Shem the father of the white race

White Nationalist

I just concluded an email exchange with a lady in Canada named Linda, apparently a white nationalist. I was shocked to learn of her beliefs! Below are some of them in her own words:

  • Shem was the father of the white race.And Abraham was his decendent (sic). The families of Jacob were all white races.
  • Jesus christ(sic) was a WHITE man,
  • Even white Russians are from Shem.

The Bible disproves her views so clearly:

Genesis 10:2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. Read More »Some White Nationalists’ / neo-Nazis’ belief: Jesus was white and Shem the father of the white race

Protection from bad spiritual entities

Protection from bad spiritual entities

Recently a young man has been asking me for help from a serious spiritual problem. He writes:

I don’t really know what to say other than I believe I need your help. I don’t know too much about spirits or ghosts, good or bad. What I can tell you about my situation is that I am constantly being hounded by something and it’s the real deal. I don’t know where else to turn so I am hoping you can shed a little light my way. I’ll leave you with this in hopes of a response.

Later the man wrote me saying he sees ugly demon like faces all over the place, in trees, in roads, etc. He sent me photos of the same, but I cannot see what he is seeing, neither can others to whom I showed the photos. It shows that his mind is under a spiritual influence.

Read More »Protection from bad spiritual entities

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