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Protection from bad spiritual entities

Protection from bad spiritual entities

Recently a young man has been asking me for help from a serious spiritual problem. He writes:

I don’t really know what to say other than I believe I need your help. I don’t know too much about spirits or ghosts, good or bad. What I can tell you about my situation is that I am constantly being hounded by something and it’s the real deal. I don’t know where else to turn so I am hoping you can shed a little light my way. I’ll leave you with this in hopes of a response.

Later the man wrote me saying he sees ugly demon like faces all over the place, in trees, in roads, etc. He sent me photos of the same, but I cannot see what he is seeing, neither can others to whom I showed the photos. It shows that his mind is under a spiritual influence.

Protection from bad spiritual entities

Let it pass

This morning I was inspired by the following poem. Just think what a happier world it would be if we all lived this! Truly great folks never stoop To answer petty things; The unkind word,… Let it pass

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