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Seven Popular but Mistaken Bible Interpretations of the Endtime

--by James Arendt

Endtime delusions

My friend Luke shared the below with me. If you study Eschatology from the Bible, you should know that the following doctrines most evangelicals hold to be true are based on a false interpretation of Daniel 9:27, namely, the Antichrist will make a treaty with the Jews and Israel for a 7 year period during which he will allow the Jews to rebuild the temple of Solomon. Please know that this doctrine was created by a Jesuit priest circa 1585, and was rejected by Protestants until sometime in the 19th century through Jesuit infiltration into Protestant churches and seminaries. It began when Darby and Scofield taught dispensationalism. The purpose was to sidetrack Protestantism and to get the Protestants eyes off the Pope and the Papacy as the true Antichrist of the Bible. Did it work? You know it did!

  1. There is no seven-year countdown to Armageddon - prophesied in the Bible
  2. There is no Antichrist seven-year Middle East peace covenant - prophesied in the Bible
  3. There is no rebuilt Jewish temple in Jerusalem as a result of a seven-year peace covenant - prophesied in the Bible
  4. There is no Antichrist that is going to make or break a seven-year peace covenant - prophesied in the Bible
  5. There is no Antichrist that is going to stop the Jews from sacrificing in the middle of a seven-year peace covenant - prophesied in the Bible
  6. There is no Antichrist that is going to sit in a rebuilt Jewish Temple in the middle of a seven-year peace covenant - prophesied in the Bible
  7. There is no Antichrist that is going to declare himself to be god in the middle of a seven-year peace covenant - prophesied in the Bible

For the biblical and historical reason behind this, please see The 70th Week of Daniel Delusion on this website.

Tess and James Arendt
James & Tess Arendt

My name is James Arendt. I was raised in the Hegewisch neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, served in the USAF from 1970 to 1974, and became a full-time missionary for Christ living 40 years in Japan, 3.5 years in Russia, and a few months in other countries such as Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, South Korea, Taiwan and mainland China where I also served the King of Kings, Jesus, as an Ambassador for His Kingdom. My full bio.

If you like this website, you can show your appreciation by sending me a gift toward my support. My wife Tess and I moved from the island of Guam USA in June 2023 to the city of Allen in the province of Northern Samar, one of the poorer provinces in the Philippines. My only work is maintaining my websites, Deep Truths, and James Japan which costs me $300 per year now. And Tess is ministering to the local people giving them regular Bible Studies in three groups, children, teenagers and adults.

Photos of Tess's Bible study.

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Comments (3)

Topic: 7-popular-but-mistaken-bible-interpretations.html
5/5 (1)
fabien (toulouse, France) says...
Yes James, that is right! It's only Moses David's theory, that's how in his wisdom and experience he sees it. And all TFI stands for Mo's theory! Thank you for sharing your views on this and
God bless you!
Thank you, Fabien, for your support. Some old bottles in TFI have been attacking me for daring to suggest what David taught about the Endtime could be wrong.
12th August 2018 8:36pm
Tirzah (Norway) says...
After I rededicated my life to Christ, the Endtime and all that was still something that concerned me. With everything going on in the world, I kept waiting for things that I'd been taught would happen. (new Temple, etc). You have NO IDEA how big a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders after reading these articles! Thank you! :D
13th July 2018 1:30am
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