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"...for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
--1 Corinthians 2:10b Mo Letters from David Berg and the Children of God / The Family

The Political System

Teachings of David Brandt Berg compiled by Samson Warner, Sept. 1974
US Capitol
Webmaster's note: The "we" in this article is referring to the members of the Christian organization The Family International. In my opinion, it should also refer to all sincere followers of Christ throughout the world.


WE ARE POLITICALLY AND SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS AND WANT TO HAVE AN INFLUENCE in the world for good, and we believe in a social gospel as well as a personal gospel. We are also interested in social justice, economic justice, political justice, racial justice, etc.

HOWEVER, WE BELIEVE IN ORDER TO TRULY CHANGE THE INSTITUTIONS AND AILMENTS OF MAN FOR THE BETTER YOU MUST CHANGE MAN HIMSELF and his evil heart, something only God can do! Otherwise you will only have revolution after revolution, war upon war, rich and poor, pollution and disease, the vain babblings of science falsely so-called, political religion, and regime after regime, and empire following empire--all in vain--and waxing worse and worse! For man is not evoluting but devoluting without God, and the end is Hell on Earth!

THEREFORE WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN POLITICS AND THE PARTIES OF MAN, EXCEPT AS THEY MAY AFFECT US, HELP OR HINDER US. We're more interested in the Kingdom of God, Heaven on Earth, now in the hearts of men through Jesus, and soon throughout the world by the return of Christ.

HOWEVER, IN THE MEANTIME WE DON'T TURN DOWN ANYTHING IN THE WAY OF HELP that the governments have to offer, as long as there are not too many strings or controls attached.

GOD HAS GIVEN US DEFINITE HINTS THAT WE MAY ACTUALLY HAVE TO COOPERATE WITH THE COMING WORLD GOVERNMENT -- until they break the Holy Covenant and refuse to continue to give us our religious liberty.

THIS IS WHAT THE CHILDREN OF GOD HAVE DONE THROUGHOUT ALL AGES from the days of Joseph with Egypt's Pharaoh, to Daniel with Babylon's Nebuchadnezzar. They only fell out with them at the very end when they had to differ over questions of social justice or religion, and then Moses made his Exodus and Daniel was thrown in the lions' den.


A GOVERNMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF GOVERNING, CONTROLLING AND RULING ITS PEOPLE, and in Romans 13 and many other places in the Bible we're taught to obey it and that God has ordained it for our protection and provision. Therefore, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers (civil authorities). For there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained of God." (Romans 13:1)

BUT WHEN A GOVERNMENT BECOMES CORRUPT AND ANTI-GOD AND CRUEL and begins abusing the power it has and robbing the poor and persecuting God's Children, it loses the righteousness of its cause (or God's support) and the authority to dominate.

IT LOSES ITS RIGHT TO RULE the world. Just like when the white people of the world began to forget God and use their superior power to their own selfish advantage, exploiting the poor, the Lord took it away.

THEN GOD OFTEN USES HIS PROPHETS THEMSELVES TO PREACH THE DOOM OF THAT NATION and, as in Jeremiah's case the usual reaction is that the Prophet's own government then claimed that his preaching was helping to destroy it, which it was.

HE WAS THE VOICE OF GOD AND GOD WAS DESTROYING ISRAEL FOR HER SINS, and he used her enemies to do it with the help of His Prophet. When the enemy took over they thought that since his own people had put him in jail, he and his friends must be on their side, the side of the Babylonian conquerors, and they actually released them and gave them help!

GOD'S PEOPLE ARE REALLY ONLY ON THE LORD'S SIDE, and merely Scripturally and obediently "subject to the higher powers." (Romans 13:1)

IN JEREMIAH'S DAY THE HIGHER POWER WAS BABYLON, whose God-given power pre-empted all the power of all the other nations, including his own. For God had "given all (their) lands into the hand of ... the king of Babylon, so that all nations shall serve him ... and it shall come to pass that the nation and kingdom which will not serve ... and that will not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, that nation will I punish, saith the Lord, with the sword ... famine and ... pestilence, until I have consumed them by his hand. ... Why will ye die? ... Serve the king of Babylon, and live." (Jeremiah 27:6-8,13,17)

SO TODAY AS IN JEREMIAH'S DAY, IF WE WANT TO LIVE WE MUST OBEY GOD AND BRING OUR NECKS UNDER THE YOKE OF THE "HIGHER POWER." And what is now the "higher" and getting to be the highest, power in the world today? What government is becoming the greatest world power of today, the power to which God has commanded us to be subject in Romans? Think it over and I'm sure God will show you! (Continued in part 2)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family

Tess and James Arendt
James & Tess Arendt

My name is James Arendt. I was raised in the Hegewisch neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, served in the USAF from 1970 to 1974, and became a full-time missionary for Christ living 40 years in Japan, 3.5 years in Russia, and a few months in other countries such as Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, South Korea, Taiwan and mainland China where I also served the King of Kings, Jesus, as an Ambassador for His Kingdom. My full bio.

If you like this website, you can show your appreciation by sending me a gift toward my support. My wife Tess and I moved from the island of Guam USA in June 2023 to the city of Allen in the province of Northern Samar, one of the poorer provinces in the Philippines. My only work is maintaining my websites, Deep Truths, and James Japan which costs me $300 per year now. And Tess is ministering to the local people giving them regular Bible Studies in three groups, children, teenagers and adults.

Photos of Tess's Bible study.

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