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"...for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
--1 Corinthians 2:10b Mo Letters from David Berg and the Children of God / The Family

The Original Set Card of the Children of God

Key Bible verses that are good for all Christians to memorize.
Boy reading his Bible
Set 1
Jn 1:12
Jn 3:16
Jn 3:36
Ro 3:23
Ro 6:23
Ro 10: 9
Ro 10:10
Ep 2:8,9
Ph 4:13
1Jn 3:16
Re 3:20
Set 2
Mt 4:19
Mt 9:37
Mt 9:38
Mk 16:15
Jn 4:35
Jn 15:16
Ac 1: 8
Ac 2:44,45
Ac 5:42
Ac 20:20
Ac 20:31
Set 3
Da 12: 3
Mt 19:28
Mt 10:36-38
Mk 8:36-38
Lu 9:23-24
Lu 14:33
1Co 10:13
1Co 10:31
1Jn 5:12
1Jn 5:13
Set 4
Mt 7:20
Jn 13:17
Ro 11: 8
Ph 4:19
2Ti 3:12
Tit 3: 5
Ja 4: 3
Ja 4: 7-10
Ja 4:14
Set 5
Pr 11:30
Ez 3:17-19
Jn 15:5
Ac 4:13
Ro 7:4
1Co 2: 4-5
1Co 3:14
1Co 3:15
He 13:8
Ja 1:5
Set 6
Pr 14:25-26
Is 26:3
Mt 28:20
Lu 9: 2
Jn 14: 6
Jn 15: 8
Ac 5:20
1Co 1:18
2Co 4: 5
2Co 5:17
2Ti 4: 2
Set 7
Mt 19:29
Jn 3: 3-8
Jn 8:31
Jn 8:32
Jn 8:47
Jn 15: 4
Ga 4: 6
Ph 1:29
Col 2: 6-8
Set 8
Ps 9:17
Je 12:17
Jn 6:47
Jn 7:43
Ac 4:12
Ac 7:48
2Ti 2:2
He 9:27
Ja 2:26
1Jn 5:11
Set 9
Ps 119: 9
Ps 119: 11
Ps 119: 18
Ps 119: 42
Ps 119: 67
Ps 119: 71
Ps 119: 72
Ps 119:105
Ps 119:113
Ps 119:130
Ps 119:165
2Ti 2: 15
Set 10
Da 2:44
Da 7:21-25
Da 8: 9
Da 8:11
Da 8:13
Da 8:14
Da 9:25
Da 9:26
Da 9:27
Da 11:31-35
Da 12:11
Da 12:12
Ps 1
Ps 2
Ps 8
Ps 14
Ps 15
Ps 19
Ps 23
Ps 24
Ps 27
Ps 32
Ps 34
Ps 37
Ps 42
Ps 46
1Co 13
Jn 1: 1-14
Jn 15
Isa 53

Comments (11)

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Albert Roach (Corpus Christi, US) says...
I am a former member I am 80 now. Could someone get in touch with me. Thank you. God bless you all!
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11th July 2024 9:01am
Alma Lovin (US) says...
+++ Many Many Thanks for Posting the ONLY transformative idea the C O G ever came up with.

That's not true. Every single article on this website is good for your soul and your relationship with God.
31st January 2024 10:38am
Albert Roach (Corpus Christi, US) says...
I love The Word,The Bible! I love the set card! God engrafted that love for The Word in me in Teens for Christ Nov.,68'. I am eternally grateful! God bless all you Bible lovers! All you who love The Bible get in touch with me
17th August 2021 7:58am
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Albert Roach (Corpus Christi) says...
I joined Teens for Christ in Huntington Beach,CA. Nov.,1968. I have been a member of TFI until Nov. or Dec.,2017. I had problems logging into the TFI site so wasn't able to send in my monthly report from Aug. to Nov. or Dec.2017. Because of that I was dropped from TFI. I am 77 yrs. young. Live alone. I can't live without other missionaries & a goal of reaching the world. Can you help me please? Thank you! GBY! I live in my hometown again of Corpus Christi,Texas. My cell no. ... Read More
31st July 2021 4:19am
Fabien (Toulouse, France) says...
COG set card is radical. It burned a few fuses in my brain.
19th September 2020 8:25pm
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