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"...for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
--1 Corinthians 2:10b Mo Letters from David Berg and the Children of God / The Family

The Palestinians: Terrorist?--Or Terrorized!

By David Brandt Berg, Sept., July 14, 1976
Palestinian hitting Jewish man who robbed and killed his family.

The attitude of those who refuse to see the present Mid-East crisis from the Palestinian standpoint is:

"Oh, it doesn't matter that there are two million Palestinians living in cardboard and tin-can shacks in refugee camps virtually off of garbage," many of whom had fine homes and farms and lands in Palestine. It doesn't matter, obviously, to those Jews, a great many of them very smart American Jews, or to the United States. It doesn't matter that two million poor Palestinians are kicked out of their own homes and their own country and have nothing and nowhere to go and nowhere to live and nothing to eat, as long as the [Israelis] get what they want!

And if the Palestinians try to retaliate, "Oh, they're terrorists!"--If the Palestinians try to strike back!--Let's say I'm a gunman and I rob you. You scream and holler because I robbed you, of course. You take your fist and you sock me back because I robbed you. But then I, the real robber, scream and holler to the whole World: "He hit me, he hit me, he hit me! I want your sympathy! This guy's a terrorist! All I was doing was robbing him at the point of a gun and he hit me back! It isn't fair!"

To most of the World and the Palestinians it looks like Israel is the real criminal and the robber, because the Jews have stolen a whole country and thrown out two million of its owners!

The United States and Britain helped the Jews steal a whole country and thousands of Palestinian homes and made millions of Palestinian people homeless and hungry*, but of course the [Israelis] couldn't be criminals! They're not criminals.--That's legitimate for whole countries to do things like that. It's perfectly all right for whole countries to carry on wars and murder millions of people, that's all right.

But let anybody who's been robbed by another nation complain a little bit and retaliate a little bit and throw a few bombs, then the victims are the criminals, they're the terrorists! "How dare they object to our robbing them!"--You get the point?

"How dare they scream and holler and complain because I robbed them? They ought to be good little boys and take it nicely like they should! Of course I'm supposed to rob them! They don't deserve it--they're only Palestinians, they're only Arabs. Only we [Israelis] deserve it!"--Isn't that something?

How unfairly the World looks at things, but they don't even see that. "There are none so blind as those that will not see!" They don't want to see it.

So there's not much justice in the World. Justice in man's World is usually on the side of the fellow who has the most guns!

But wait!--God always evens up the score in the long run, and what they sow they are going to reap!

*This is what most people don't understand, Israel is American, and the Israelis are Americans!

Although most of its Jews came from Europe due to the poverty and persecution and suffering under Hitler and two World Wars, many of them came from America, and from rich America came most of the money, the brains, the technical know-how, the political protection and the military defense of Israel.

This is what much of the World does not understand: That Israel is an integral part of Jewish America for which she will fight to the very death, even her own death--and which she is about to do--and die!

Copyright © 1998 by The Family International

Tess and James Arendt
James & Tess Arendt

My name is James Arendt. I was raised in the Hegewisch neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, served in the USAF from 1970 to 1974, and became a full-time missionary for Christ living 40 years in Japan, 3.5 years in Russia, and a few months in other countries such as Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, South Korea, Taiwan and mainland China where I also served the King of Kings, Jesus, as an Ambassador for His Kingdom. My full bio.

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