Webmaster's note: This is one of the Bible classes given by a teacher in the very early days of the Children of God. I believe this one is from Amos Old Test and was given at the Texas Soul Clinic.
John 1:35-42 - Andrew brings his brother, Peter to Jesus.
John 6:5-10 - Andrew brings a lad to Jesus.
John 12:20-22 - Andrew brings some Greeks to Jesus.
Andrew means "A man" - He was just a simple ordinary man. There seems to be nothing outstanding or remarkable about him. We have no record where Andrew ever preached a sermon, never wrote a book, held no special office, had no great gift of personality, and his name is mentioned only a few times in the Gospels.
Andrew was a personal worker among the disciples and therefore, largely forgotten, but not by God. He was always obscure and in the background. He was not the kind that could stand before large crowds and give a wonderful testimony. He was just a little fellow known only as the brother of a great preacher, Peter. Yet we never find where Andrew ever denied the Lord, or cursed and swore as Peter did. Men of force are men of faults.
In these three incidents (John 1:40-42, John 6;5-10, John 12:20-22) we find Andrew the forgotten, the neglected, the obscure disciple stand out like a tower of strength among all the apostles and the man who knew how to bring people to Jesus.
In John 1:35-42 Andrew brings an ignorant fisherman to Jesus by the name of Peter, who later became a preacher who saw 3000 souls saved and also wrote I and II Peter.
In John 6:5-10 Andrew brings a lad to Jesus who became the means of feeding 5000 souls.
In John 12:20-22 Andrew bring s some Greeks to Jesus.
There is a day coming; when all the "Little Andrews" will be rewarded for their faithfulness. Down here these "Little Andrews" are neglected, forgotten obscure and in the background - but God remembers them - God is keeping a record. (Malachi 3:16, Psalm 56:8. There will be many surprises in heaven "For the first shall be last and the last shall be first." (Matthew 19:30)
Andrew was one of God's faithful sowers. He sowed a Simon Peter and Peter reaped a Pentecost. He sowed a lad and 5,000 souls were fed. (1Cor. 3:6-8 or : 43). There are many "Little Andrews" today who are laboring, struggling with few talents, finding a lad here and a Peter there. But without faithful Andrews there would have have been no Peter, no lad, no 3,000 fed. What a reward these "Little Andrews" will receive from Jesus. God looks at the "faithful ones." (I Cor. 4-2, Matthew 24:14-24, 1Samuel 30:23,24) As his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff. They shall part alike. Down here the big shot "Billy Grahams and "Peters" are first and the "Little Andrews" who only have one talent and who are faithful are mostly always in the background and forgotten. No one ever remembers the "Little Andrews" who pray and cry out to God for these men of God. (Psalm 126:5-6) - God sees and remembers and is keeping a record. So be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life. (Revelation 2:10)