This is a general prayer of deliverance from any bad spirits or evil influences of the present or the past, including any vices such as pride, and self-righteousness. You can also include with this prayer any other vices you know you may be battling with.
Lord Jesus, You promised in Your Word that "I can seek You and find You when I search for You with all my heart!" (Jer.29:13) So Lord, I now cry out to You with a WHOLE heart, and I ask You to please hear my prayer and give me the deliverance I seek! You said, "They looked unto Him and were lightened, and their faces were not ashamed.-This poor man cried and the Lord HEARD him and SAVED him out of all his troubles!" -- Psa.34:5,6.
Lord, You told us to "submit ourselves to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from us!" Jesus, I now submit myself to You! Please forgive me for any and all unyieldedness, unwillingness, hardness of heart or resistance to You and Your Spirit! I ask You, Lord, to please "Create in me a CLEAN heart, O God; and renew a RIGHT spirit within me!" -- Psa.51:10.
I can't do it myself, I can't get the victory, without YOU I can do NOTHING! But "I can do ALL things through YOU, Lord, Who strengtheneth me!" (Jn.15:5; Phil.4:13) So I present myself to You now, Lord Jesus, my ALL, and I ask You to empower me and cleanse me from everything and anything that is not of You! -- I don't want ANYTHING that's not of YOU, JESUS! I just want YOU, Jesus!
I rebuke and resist you, Devil, in Jesus' Name! May God condemn you, Satan, get out of here! I'm the LORD'S child, I belong solely to Him! There's NO foothold for you here, in Jesus' name! I will not tolerate it, I will have "NO fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness!" (Eph.5:11) DEPART from me, Satan! I REBUKE you in the Name of Jesus!
Lord Jesus, You said that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him! (Isa.59:19) But You also said that we should do OUR part. You said, "RESIST the Enemy and he shall flee from thee!" (Jam.4:7) I'm not just being passive, Lord, expecting YOU to do it all -- I am here and now, "FIGHTING the good fight of faith! -- Resisting my adversary the Devil!" And trusting YOU, Lord Jesus, to deliver me from him and all of his devices!-1Tim.6:12; 1Pet.5:9.
Give the victory, Lord, in Jesus' Name! I REBUKE you, Satan! May God condemn you, Devil, in the Name of Jesus! You promised, Lord Jesus, that "whatsoever we would bind on Earth would be bound in Heaven!" (Mat.18:18) -- So I BIND all the power of the Devil right now and I command him to get OUT, to get AWAY from me, from this house, from this property, from this neighbourhood, never to return, in Jesus' name!
I Know that you are the Victor, Jesus! "For this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that He might DESTROY the works of the Devil!" (1Jn.3:8), and You have defeated the Devil ALREADY! Satan TREMBLES when he sees even the WEAKEST saint upon his knees! -- So even though I'm weak and helpless and have no power of my own, "Greater are You (Jesus) within me than he (Satan) which is within the World." -- 1Jn.4:4. I have YOU, Jesus, so I ask YOU to rebuke and drive away the God-cursed Devil and any and all of his imps!
May God condemn you little devils in Jesus' Name! I DEFEAT you in the Name of Jesus Christ! I CURSE you in the Name of Jesus Christ! I RESIST you in the Name of Jesus Christ! In Jesus' name I COMMAND you to depart, in the Name of JESUS I COMMAND you to depart, I resist you in the Name of Jesus!
I rebuke you, evil spirits, whoever or whatever you are, in Jesus' name! In the Name of Jesus! "The Lord shall DELIVER me from EVERY evil work, and will preserve me unto His Heavenly Kingdom! And He Who hath begun a good work in me will PERFORM it until the day of Jesus Christ!" (2Tim.4:18; Phil.1:6) -- So get OUT of here, Devil! I don't want ANYTHING to do with you, and I RESIST you, Satan, in Jesus' name!
Lord Jesus, deliver me from every device of the Devil, from all of his evil machinations! For Thou, O Lord, hast NOT given me a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of LOVE and of a SOUND MIND! For perfect love casts out ALL fear, so I ask You to cast out and remove EVERY influence of the Devil, in Jesus' name! Amen! (2Tim.1:7; 1Jn.4:18)
Destroy the power of the Devil, Lord Jesus, whatever influence he has had, ANY hangovers or remnants of his power or influence, I ask You to remove and destroy it in Jesus' name! Cast it OUT and cast it AWAY from here and get RID of it, Lord, FOREVER! Praise You Lord! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!
Please help me and deliver me, Lord Jesus! -- I'm so weak, but I call unto You and ask YOU to be strong IN and FOR me! "For when I am weak, then am I strong, for YOUR strength is made perfect in my weakness! For we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of GOD and not of us!" -- 2Cor.12.9:10; 4:7. Show THY power, Lord, Thy excellency and Thy strength, in Jesus' name!
Help me to hold back nothing from Thee, nothing in reserve, nothing which is displeasing to Thee or distasteful in Thy sight! -- Help there to be nothing which is unrepented of or unyielded! Jesus, Jesus! Deliver me from any dark corners of my life that I've held back from You! Forgive me for my past unyieldedness, and help me to now lay my ALL on the altar before You, in Jesus' name!
Jesus, I want to be willing and yielded, because You can only fill EMPTY vessels that are thirsty for the Water of Life, for Your Spirit! Help me to be empty, with no will of my own, no thoughts or ideas of my own, but just willing to receive whatever YOU have for me! -- To be broken and remade and yielded completely to whatever YOU want to do with me, Lord, whatever it is! Help me, Jesus!
And if there are any bad spirits or evil influences from my past life, I resist and rebuke them in the Name of Jesus Christ! DELIVER me, Lord Jesus! I also rebuke any ancestors, relatives, former friends or foes who may have sent any curses my way by means of any little devils! Curse those that curse me, Lord Jesus, and turn their curses upon their OWN heads! (Psa.70:3) Protect me and DELIVER me from their evil influence, from their bitterness, from their hate, from their curses! -- And if there is anyone who has died and passed into the Spirit World who is attacking or fighting or hindering me, I resist them and curse them and rebuke them and BIND them in Jesus' name, amen! -- Send any such wicked spirits to HELL where they belong, Lord, in Jesus' name!
Strengthen me, O Lord, with Thy Word and the Sword of Thy Spirit that I may be able to really FIGHT the Enemy! Help me, Jesus, to FIGHT the Enemy, to RESIST him so he will flee with all of his temptations and all of his lies!
I rebuke you, Satan, IN JESUS' NAME, you evil devourer and destroyer! I rebuke you, you God-judged devourer and liar! I HATE you, Devil! I HATE you, Satan! I hate you! I REBUKE you in the Name of Jesus! I CURSE you in the Name of Jesus! I COMMAND you to DEPART from me and these premises, never to return, in the Name of Jesus!
I refuse to worry, fret or fear any more, because I love and am trusting YOU, Jesus! -- I know You love me, Jesus! I know You hear me, Jesus! -- And I know Your Love, Your power, Your strength and Your Spirit is so much stronger and greater than anything the Devil can muster! Deliver me, Lord, from all of the Devil's doubts and fears and lies, and help me to TRUST in You with ALL of my heart! Hallelujah!
Deliver me also from pride and self-righteousness, Lord! I resist and rebuke any demons of pride, in Jesus' name! You said, "Let not a man think more highly of himself than he OUGHT to think" (Rom.12:3), not to be lifted up in pride as a novice, and You warned us that pride comes before a fall! So Jesus, please DELIVER me from the horrible besetting sin of pride, so I can be useful to You and Your Kingdom! -- A humble, willing, yielded, obedient servant and tool in Your hands!
Help me, Lord Jesus, not to be rebellious and stubborn and self-willed, like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which have to be turned about by bit and bridle, and even then they kick against the goads and the pricks and the conviction of Thy Holy Spirit! (Psa.32:9) Help me, Lord, to surrender my ALL to You! You said, "Whosoever shall fall upon this Stone shall be BROKEN." (Mat.21:44) -- So help me to truly fall upon YOU, to cast my ALL upon You, Jesus, so that You can break and remake me into the vessel YOU want me to be for Your glory!
Lord, You said, "Ye that love the Lord hate evil!" (Psa.97:10) -- So help me, Jesus, to love You with ALL of my heart, and to recognize, confess, forsake and HATE every sin and snare with which the Enemy would try to trap and ensnare me! "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty" (2Cor.3:17), so please set me FREE, Jesus!
Help me, Lord, not to surrender one inch of the victory You have for me to the Devil, not one inch of Thy blessing! Help me to lean on You and look to You for help, to trust You for COMPLETE deliverance, Lord, for Thy glory and for Thy name's sake and Thy Word's sake!
Thank You Jesus for these battles which are making me strong! Thank You for the opportunities You have given me to get real close to You, Lord, to get desperate with You and to lean on You when I see that I can't do it. The battles are greater than I am, Lord, but YOU are greater than they are!
I know you have the victory for me, Jesus, and that as I surrender to Thee, the Enemy can't have the victory, he can't have me or my usefulness or ANYTHING about me, ANY part of me, because YOU are standing there, Lord Jesus, just like You told Peter, and PRAYING for me that my faith fail not! (Lk.22:31,32) -- You're strengthening me so that I in turn can strengthen others, and comfort others with the comfort wherewith I have been comforted (2Cor.1:4), thank You Jesus!
Lord Jesus, You said, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!" (Jam.5:16) -- I know I'M not very righteous, but I'm depending on YOUR righteousness and praying for the RIGHT things, and I've STIRRED myself to call upon You, so according to Your Word, You have GOT to answer, in Jesus' name! Thank You, Lord, that YOU are the victory, Jesus! Hallelujah! -- In Jesus' name, amen! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord for the victory, the victory over sin and Satan and all of my problems! Hallelujah!
I ask you, Lord Jesus, for a "renewing of the Holy Ghost!" (Tit.3:5) Please refill me now with Thy Spirit of Love, Thy Holy Spirit, Thy mighty power that can completely burn out all of the Devil's old circuitry, and rewire my mind and heart so I can be truly "renewed in the spirit of my mind!" (Eph.4:23) I can't change or become a new creature by my OWN power or will, but I know YOU can do it! "Not by my might, nor by my power, but by Thy Spirit, Lord!" (Zec.4:6) -- So please fill me to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit right NOW, in Jesus' name I ask!
"If Thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is FORGIVENESS with Thee, that Thou mayest be feared!" (Psa.130:3,4) -- Thank You for Your forgiveness and Your mercy to me, Jesus, for hearing my prayer and continuing to show me Thy mercy!
"Hear my cry, O God; and attend unto my prayer! From the end of the Earth will I cry unto Thee. When my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the Rock that is higher than I! For Thou hast been a SHELTER to me, and a STRONG TOWER from the Enemy! I will abide in Thy tabernacle FOREVER: I will trust in the covert of Thy wings!" (Psa.61:1-4)
Thank You Lord that "You have not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the Heaven is high above the Earth, so great is Thy mercy toward them that fear Thee. As far as the East is from the West, so far have You removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children, so You pity them that fear You. For You KNOW our frame; You remember that we are dust!"-Thank You Jesus for Your mercies! -- Psa.103:10-14.
Thank You Lord for Thy Words to cleanse and heal us! You said, "You sent Your WORD and HEALED them, and DELIVERED them from their destructions!" (Psa.107:20) Thank You Lord for Thy WORD and its power which frees us from the snares of the Enemy!
I know that Thou art the Victor, Jesus, and I cannot lose as long as I lean upon Thee! As long as I keep FIGHTING, it is IMPOSSIBLE to lose! So help me, Lord, not to give up, not to quit, but to keep fighting and keep winning greater victories for Thy glory! -- In Jesus' name!
Help me, Lord, not to give up the fight, not to give up the battle, especially when it gets hot, Lord, and the Enemy's doing his best to stop me and discourage me and depress me and cause me to quit! That's exactly what he WANTS me to do, so help me to RESIST him and to "FIGHT the good FIGHT of faith, lay hold on Eternal Life", and follow Thee till the END! -- 1Tim.6:12.
"Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing! Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God's Own choosing! -- Dost ask Who this may be? Christ JESUS, it is HE! Lord Sabbaoth, His name, from age to age the same, and HE must WIN the battle!"
. I cannot strive and trust in my own strength -- I must look to YOU, Lord, and YOU must win the battle! So help me to TRUST You, to keep my heart right with You and to follow You closer than ever before, in Jesus' name! Keep me CLOSE to You, Lord, in Your Will, obedient, following moment by moment! Every moment keep my HEART right with You, Jesus, my MOTIVES right, my WILL right and EVERYTHING right with You! Hallelujah!
"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! Who can understand his errors?-Cleanse thou me from SECRET faults. Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them NOT have dominion over me: Then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. And let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in THY sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer!" (Psa.139:23,24; 19:12-14) -- In Jesus' name, amen!
Remember, the Devil really hates to lose ground, and once he has lost any territory, he often attempts to sneak back in and try to regain it. So KEEP PRAYING and TRUSTING the Lord to PROTECT you and DELIVER you and give the COMPLETE VICTORY you've asked Him for! -- And He WILL! -- If you KEEP FIGHTING!
Don't be like the man whose house was swept and garnished after the evil spirit was cast out! -- He didn't keep PROGRESSING from there, he didn't FILL it up with the HOLY SPIRIT and the WORD and something BETTER and get busy serving and doing good works for the Lord. So the evil spirit brought back MORE evil spirits even worse than himself, and they entered into the man again because he was empty and not filled with the Lord and the Word and the Lord's Work! -- And "his LAST state was WORSE than the first!" -- Mat.12:43-45.
He didn't move in the demon's Arch-Enemy, the Holy Spirit, to fill up his house and take over to keep out the unwanted intruders! -- So for God's sake and YOUR sake, fill your mind and heart with the WORD of God, and you won't have room for the Devil's darkness! Fill your mind with the Light of God's Word and the darkness will flee of itself! -- Amen? -- Keep FIGHTING, and the Enemy'll keep FLEEING!
THE ol' Devil can't resist Scripture, the Word, that's the most powerful weapon you've got! -- So quote it out loud, sing it, shout it and praise and thank the Lord for all His goodness! Then get BUSY WORKING for the Lord and helping OTHERS! Idleness is the Devil's workshop! So defeat and drive him away by quoting Scripture, by praising the Lord and by good, positive, active WORK for Jesus!
And don't forget, no matter how you feel after a prayer of deliverance, it doesn't really make any difference! You have to keep BELIEVING and PRAISING and THANKING the Lord whether you FEEL delivered or not!-Because your praise is a sign that you really believe the Lord has given you the victory! -- Praise is the voice of FAITH! -- And "FAITH is the VICTORY that overcometh the World, and without FAITH it is impossible to please Him!" (1Jn.5:4; Heb.11:6) So take the victory that the Lord's given you by faith, thank Him for it by faith, and then WALK by faith! (2Cor.5:7) God bless and keep you fighting and going on to greater victories for Jesus! -- In Jesus' name, amen!
My name is James Arendt. I was raised in the Hegewisch neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, served in the USAF from 1970 to 1974, and became a full-time missionary for Christ living 40 years in Japan, 3.5 years in Russia, and a few months in other countries such as Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, South Korea, Taiwan and mainland China where I also served the King of Kings, Jesus, as an Ambassador for His Kingdom. My full bio.
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