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"...for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
--1 Corinthians 2:10b Mo Letters from David Berg and the Children of God / The Family

Originators of the Jesus Revolution: The Children of God

By David Brandt Berg, May 2, 1971
God's great men of power and how they have exploded with His Message throughout History. How the End-time Jesus Revolution began as David Berg blasted the System and declared an all-out war against its evils!
God's explosions

This article is in response to a recent film, The Jesus Revolution. It gives no credit at all to David Berg, his children, or to the Children of God as being the pioneers of the Jesus Revolution! It only talks about Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, Lonnie Frisbee, and their associates.

The following paragraphs are from God's Explosions II, ML#69A.

THANK GOD AT LEAST FOR THE HONESTY OF THE WORLD-FAMOUS "CHRISTIANITY TODAY" magazine for at least giving credit where credit is due in their article on "Street Christians", pages 34 and 35 of the January 29th issue, 1971, in which they give an amazingly accurate account of the growth of the "Revival in the Underground" and particularly its present expansion into the Pacific Northwest under a guy by the name of Carl Parks, whoever he is. And in their accompanying article by Edward E. Plowman entitled "Straights Meets Streets", they also give an astonishingly truthful description of the Children of God of Thurber, Texas, including some of the little-known details of their early history, such as their early church vigils and their founding by the three children of some travelling evangelist by the name of Dave Berg, whoever he is, in the year 1968--and that our Texas and Los Angeles headquarters are owned by a guy by the name of Fred Jordan, whoever he is. This is a remarkable amount of previously unknown detail, which has not appeared in any other publication, but is now heralded world-wide to Christians of all faiths through this popular international publication.

AT LEAST THAT'S NOT AS BAD NEWS AS DETROIT'S LATEST FREE PRESS ARTICLE of April 24, headlined on page 4A, "Jesus People Street Christians on Rise Here", giving all credit for their major advance in the Detroit area to some radio preacher by the name of Bogle, whoever he is, but who apparently wowed the paper with his monstrous warehouse--coffeehouse with its magnificent staff of 20 and mighty crowds of three to four hundred kids on a Saturday night in a typical Youth for Christish sort of thing; while in the same article the Children of God are barely mentioned as some woman preacher's insignificant little outfit of a mere three couples and five girls in some old mission, drawing a handful of 20 to 50! Hallelujah! I'll match my staff of 11 against their 20 any day, or even one of ours against all of theirs when it comes to a knowledge of the Scriptures and how to really witness, forsake all, and work full-time for Jesus, and I'll bet we could run circles around them any day in the week, including Saturday.

UNDEDICATED, CURIOUS CROWDS OF LUKEWARM CHURCHY KIDS MERELY SEEKING SOME NEW FROM OF GOSPEL ENTERTAINMENT don't mean a thing. If you haven't got something better to offer them, than a "Now-raise-your-hand; Now-come-down-front; Now-come-back-to-church-next-Sunday" formula, it's not gonna do a bit of good! I did this for years, like thousands of other evangelists. It never gave the kids anything to live for, change for, die for, or start anything even approaching any kind of religious so-called revival amongst youth, much less a downright, outright, upright, red-hot real radical Revolution for Jesus! I don't even wanna be classed with any of these sickening, nauseating, disgusting, putrifying, dead-fleshly manifestations of man and his damnable organised churchy religious System, accursed by God! They don't even deserve the name Jesus People! They don't even faintly resemble Jesus, anymore than the rest of the so-called church! They're just a devilish counterfeit with some old-line diabolical religious racketeers endeavouring to capitalise on the name and publicity of the real Jesus People Movement and the Children of God, and using it and them for their own greedy power-hungry, covetous, commercial ends. That article made me so furious I nearly blew my top; but I thank God you sent it to me, because it shows what some of these old-line religious Pharisees are going to try to do to capitalise and try to control this move of God to their own ends, just like the churchy hypocrites of Jesus' day--The Circumcision--The Concision--The Legalists--the damnable religious hypocrites who tried to corner the Jesus Movement of His day, put their brand on 'em, and try to profiteer, plagiarise, and proselyte and exploit the true Jesus Movement of Christ's own day. As Jesus said, they'll compass the earth to make one proselyte, and then make him a worse child of hell than they are themselves (Mt.23:15)--And if you don't like that kind of strong language, you better read your Bible!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family International

Tess and James Arendt
James & Tess Arendt

My name is James Arendt. I was raised in the Hegewisch neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, served in the USAF from 1970 to 1974, and became a full-time missionary for Christ living 40 years in Japan, 3.5 years in Russia, and a few months in other countries such as Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, South Korea, Taiwan and mainland China where I also served the King of Kings, Jesus, as an Ambassador for His Kingdom. My full bio.

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