An atheist becomes a theist after dying and meeting both devils and angels in the 5th dimension.
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My name is James Arendt. I was raised in the Hegewisch neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, served in the USAF from 1970 to 1974, and became a full-time missionary for Christ living 40 years in Japan, 3.5 years in Russia, and a few months in other countries such as Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, South Korea, Taiwan and mainland China where I also served the King of Kings, Jesus, as an Ambassador for His Kingdom. My full bio. If you like this article and my work on this website, you can show your appreciation by sending me a gift. This website and my daily work on it adding new articles is because of faithful followers of Jesus Christ whose hearts the Lord touched to send us a gift towards our support. I'm now 74 and get only a small social security pension from the US government because I worked only 10 years under the Social Security system. My wife and I live frugally in the Philippines, where the cost of living is much lower than in the USA, but we still need to pay for the domain name, We need and appreciate your support! Thank you so much!
My PayPal ID: ten.npjsemajnull@tdnera.semaj
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I came across your website yesterday by accident, and as I wrote to a friend just now, “it is one of the most singularly mournful self-penned accounts of the waste of a mind corrupted by every piece of clap-trap on the planet I’ve ever come across”. Such a terrible, terrible shame. Engaging in further dialogue would be pointless; I’m just so, so sorry that you will live out the rest of your life in such a state of pitiful ignorance.
Truth only angers and confuses the unwise. Your statement shows you are in a state of denial to truth because you do not challenge the man’s testimonial with anything specific and resort to only mocking and ridicule. It shows how immature you are emotionally, and how insecure you must be. I pray you come to know the Truth of what God has to say, not what you were conditioned to think by this evil world.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. – John 3:16-21
“Truth only angers and confuses the unwise. Your statement shows you are in a state of denial to truth because you do not challenge the man’s testimonial with anything specific and resort to only mocking and ridicule.”
Sadly–and there is so much to be sad about in you and for you–you didn’t even do me the dignity of reading what I wrote, which was not about him but about YOU. So let’s hear a little bit less about the “truth”, sonny boy.
“The whole thing [religion] is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life.”
And I bet you don’t have the courage to post that comment on your website.
You lost the bet.
Loved the video, especially the holiday snap taken in ‘Paris’, which looks amazingly like Amsterdam, unless the Prof. and his wife were in a Dutch theme park. I guess that if you’re having an out of body experience earthly geography becomes kind of irrelevant. Or perhaps his soul had a Mohamed-style ‘night flight’ while his corpse lay there on the gurney groaning. Anyway, the more I reflect upon his testimony, the more I realise that there’s no conceivable explanation for the experiences he reports other than that an encounter with Christ, demons and angels. I mean, he had been in extreme pain for several hours; he was terrified of dying and he had a variety of toxic chemicals leaking from his perforated stomach into his bloodstream but that combination couldn’t have caused hallucinations. Oh no, that would be too absurdly obvious to be true. Never trust a simple explanation when a complicated one involving Jesus, the damned and a host of demi-gods will suffice. I’m sure you are aware that spiritual experiences can be induced in anybody using magnetic fields similar in power to those in a domestic refrigerator ( I call this proof of God’s existence ‘the argument from defective white goods’. I stuck my head in a misbehaving fridge. I experienced the presence of Christ and his angels. Therefore God exists. Keep up the good work, James Japan. It’s great to know that critical thinking has such a powerful and articulate advocate in you.
Well it didn’t seem to ruin the guys life or make him become toxic to everybody Pierrott.
And giving you the fair benefit of the doubt that is a reasonable one …..
that he Hallucinated….Fair call! Seems a reasonable explanation.
However it only would reveal if proven to be true, (or if it is given to be an indisputable truth that there is no such side to this universe) that the guy was merely a closet theist that had always wanted to be honest to his own desires and had taken the conscious position of being an Atheist.
Yet again….no harm done.
I think the most Zealous of atheists….often those that get toxic about their beliefs are quite often Closet Theistic Curios folk if not out right Theists in Denial.
They need to build a Huge web of facts and or Lies whichever (ideally mixed for credibility) to underpin their need not to face their fears of what that inner belief will mean..
Probably most of all the ruining of their lives with religious Dogma rules and Guilt that comes with all that.
They reinforce the view that “that is what religion is all about” to underpin their justification for Shutting out their inner wonderings rather than testing those wonderings and seeing if in fact they are founded in something more real than they wish they could be.
Not saying you are necessarily that type but It makes one wonder when you seem to need to be so cynical and mocking of this rather than saying what a real Atheist may say if they didn’t feel threatened by theism….
Something like
” Well what ever makes you happy but don’t you reckon that chap was just hallucinating?”
“Won’t all that religion you are now stuck with get in the way?”
Seems he feels fairly free and light and deeply touched and at peace about things now. That can’t be too bad can it?
No worse than drinking Coffee to feel good, just seems to be lasting him a lot longer to loose the high.
What gives you your kicks in life there…makes you get out of bed in the morning on this short trip of life to Boot hill?
The thing is, James Japan, that you are the ENEMY. You are the ENEMY of all of humanity’s faltering attempts to drag one foot first, then the other, ever so slowly out of the swamp of irrationality and into a world dominated, as it so thankfully is today, at least in the West (and however fragilely), by science and, in other human endeavors, at least by efforts to appeal to the evidence. You are kicking willfully away at the ladder of tens of thousands of years of arduous and collective human progress, and you don’t give a damn! But in this you are your own worst ENEMY, denying all the advances that allow you to live a far longer and–one would hope–happier–life than your miserable forebears, and mine, did 500 years ago. But you will have none of this, and so you are you dive deeper and deeper into the defensive god-hole. What must it feel like, waking up every morning expecting either WWIII to be unleashed by the Illuminati or whichever idiot conspiracy theory of the month it is, or for all of Jesus’ lost but recoverable souls to have been lifted up to Heaven overnight–only to find that nothing much has changed? You must be living in a state of never-ending cognitive dissonance, as the world around you stubbornly refuses to unfold the way your insane beliefs insist it should. Time to see a therapist? Or get atheism?
I consider myself and my efforts on this website honored to be described in the superlative form of an adjective. Yes, Mr, Pierrot, I am indeed the ENEMY of the FALSE doctrines of HUMANISM and the FALSE so called “science” of Evolution because of my love the the TRUTH of the Word of God in the Bible.
Ibid to my description of your character in my first reply. Mr, Pierrot, you again resort to only mocking and ridicule. You have yet to offer specific proof to refute any statement or post I have made on this site that you don’t agree with. You merely generalize it as “religion” and “conspiracy theory” based on your own opinionated paradigm of life.
I consider it an honor to be a follower of Jesus Christ. You convince me I must be hitting the mark in exposing lies and falsehood for Jesus said, in Matthew chapter 5 verse 11, “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.”
What fault to do you find in the teachings of Jesus Christ Who loved and forgave humble repentant sinners and only judged the self righteous leaders of religion?
Relax Jimbo, we were just kidding. The bible says God exists, so it must be true. I like the quote from Matthew. You are accumulating an awful lot of blessings and I’m sure your ticket to heaven is in the bag. Unless God hates ass-kissers, of course, in which case he’ll probably just toast your ass in purgatory for a few thousand years.
Also I think you’re right to dismiss 150 years of evolution research as ‘so called “science”‘. I’ve never read a scientific paper that quotes the bible as a source of its authority, so we can safely ignore it. Did you hear that they found human footprints in the same rock strata as dinosaurs, irrefutably proving that evolution is false?
You want to know why we mock you? Because you’re a moron and a dangerous one. You cheerfully assert as true ‘facts’ or ‘theories’ grounded in a cobbled together stone age text, yet act all hurt and demand ‘proof’ when an adult points out difficulties in your theories. What makes you dangerous is that you’d like to convince others that your mad fantasies are true. Tell me, James, what does the exploding penis of the honey bee tell us about the mind of God? When Moses ordered his soldiers to return to the field of battle, murder the women and enslave the girls in order to rape them was he obeying God’s commands or was he being ironic? Is a God who gets his rocks off sending his only son to be tortured to expiate the sins of unborn children someone we should revere or revile? Are you capable of peering through the fog of unreason that shrouds you and asking yourself a single hard question?
But you don’t want to listen to me. I’m probably the antichrist. Down in hell, we’ve discovered the internet.
Why are you telling me this now, Torquatus? You previously commended my work and said, “Keep up the good work, James Japan. It’s great to know that critical thinking has such a powerful and articulate advocate in you”
My comments were to Pierrot, not to you! I have no quarrel with you, Torquatus, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you did not understand I was commenting on Pierrot’s reaction, not yours!
“Keep up the good work, James Japan. It’s great to know that critical thinking has such a powerful and articulate advocate in you”
You really have zero understanding of irony, do you? I fancy we’ll keep plugging away at you until you have a nervous breakdown. One believer, one bullet. And that bullet is aimed squarely at your forehead.
You only expose yourself further as a bigoted and self-righteous person. You have yet to give me a single fact of science or history or any type of study whatsoever that proves my paradigm is wrong and yours is correct. Truth only angers and confuses you. Remember, I didn’t barge into your life, you came into mine by visiting and commenting on this website.
I noticed this video of a professor that changed from Atheist to Jesus. I also noticed you had a posting about another professor, Walter Veith. He changed from atheist and evolutionist to creationist and christian. I thought your readers might be interested in watching his testimony as well. You might be interested in his series titled Total Onslaught on the same website of the link above. This series deals with The New World Order. Prof Veith is a man of God and exposes Satan for what he really is.
I watched the Bezmenov video on ideological subversion…truely disturbing stuff!!
I accidentally came across your website, actually come to think of it, it wasn’t an accident anyway I AM HAPPY I DID!!! May GOD Bless you always and protect you from all the negative and bad people keep doing what you are doing.
Thank you, Aryek, for your encouragement!