The British Government is reportedly planning to implant prisoners with RFID microchips in order, as it says, to reduce the prison population.There have been reports in several newspapers and statements on the issue from Home Office and Ministry of Justice sources.
To implant a prisoner would be inhuman and degrading, would impede rehabilitation, and would expose the implantee to health risks (including cancer) and psychological stress..
I have submitted a petition to the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to issue a clear statement that it will not introduce for tracking, surveillance or identification purposes, the microchip implanting of prisoners in Scotland..
View the petition at this website address: .
Click on the current epetitions list and then on the title: Microchip Implanting of Scottish Prisoners (No 7 or 8 on the list).
For background details of this petition click on Information.
If prisoners are implanted with microchips who will be next ?
The petition will be examined by the committee in May. I`m trying to get a few more signatures to the online petition. Only name and country is required. No address or email details. If it is at all possible to let Deep Truths anti-chipping readers know about this petition on the Scottish Parliament website that would be great People can post their opinions on the Discussion board if they wish.
The closing date for signatures is May 4, 2009.
To the best of my knowledge this is the first attempt in the UK to get anti-chipping legislation.It`s a worthwhile cause.