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The Princess’ Wedding

The Princess’ Wedding

The Princess' wedding

THE FAIR YOUNG PRINCESS WAS VERY DEEPLY IN LOVE. Though she’d never even met her lover face to face, the loving and kind words He had written her from afar had won her heart and filled her life with song! She had already accepted His invitation to marriage, and in her heart she knew that she was His, that she belonged to Him, and that one day she and the Prince of Light would be together forever in the wonderful place that He was preparing!

BUT WHILE SHE WAITED FOR HIM TO COME FOR HER, THE PRINCE’S ARCH RIVAL and FOE, the Prince of Darkness, sought to steal the princess away from her lover! For years he had tried everything he could imagine to turn her away from the Prince of Light. He offered her riches and wealth, fame and fortune, but she could not be bought!–To the Princess, nothing this World could offer could ever compare to the wonderful love she had received from her Prince!

IN A FINAL DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO STEAL THE PRINCESS AWAY FROM HER LOVE, the Prince of Darkness devised his most cunning scheme!–He would disguise himself as the Prince of Light!–And would suddenly arrive in the realm of the Princess, declaring that at last her lover had returned!–Saying "I am He!"–Thus he hoped to win her hand, take over her realm and steal the place of the True Prince, Whom the Prince of Darkness despised!

STATELY and MAJESTICALLY THE DECEIVER RODE INTO THE PRINCESS’ REALM! His magnificent presence and strong and reassuring voice convinced many that at last, the great Prince of Light had indeed returned! Excitedly and joyfully the news of his arrival was quickly blazed abroad! The Princess watched closely and cautiously, concerned as this seemingly wonderful Prince won the hearts of the multitudes, brought a new era of peace and hope throughout the realm and was heralded by the people as their hero!

AT FIRST HE SHOWED A GREAT DEAL OF PATIENCE IN HIS ATTEMPT TO COURT and WIN THE PRINCESS, yet she refused to give herself to him, suspicious of him. She could sense that he would soon try to force her to make a decision. She desperately searched through many of the Letters her Lover had sent her from afar until suddenly she came upon something that He had written her long ago that made everything clear!–How could she have been so blind not to have remembered and realised this!–The Letter read, "The day of My return will not come until My Enemy, the Prince of Darkness, shall arise and come in My name, and shall deceive many! Fear not, My Love, for shortly afterwards I Myself will return for you!"

IMMEDIATELY THE BRAVE YOUNG PRINCESS PROCLAIMED A WARNING TO EVERYONE NEAR and FAR! "This man who claims to be the Prince of Light is a liar!–A deceiver!–He’s our mortal foe, the Prince of Darkness!–Resist him!–Defy him!–Have nothing to do with this impostor!" A great uproar raged throughout the realm and a great division took place between those who believed the Princess’ warning and those who chose to follow and remain loyal to the Deceiver!

WHEN NEWS OF THE PRINCESS’ PROCLAMATION REACHED THE EARS OF THE FALSE PRINCE he could not contain his rage!–His plan to deceive and win the Princess had failed! He ripped off his mask of peace and suddenly, in a fit of fury and wrath was magically transformed into the Monster that he really was all along!–A horrible, gigantic, serpent-like, fire-breathing Dragon!–No longer would he try to win the Princess! His only desire now was to kill and destroy her!

THE DRAGON BEGAN HIS WRATHFUL RAMPAGE AFTER THE FLEEING PRINCESS! Once, when he was about to catch her, coming closer and closer, suddenly she miraculously was given wings–like the wings of a great eagle!–And away she flew into the wilderness, far removed from his vicious jaws!

THIS SO INFURIATED THIS GREAT BEAST, that he demanded that all the World pledge their allegiance and loyalty to him alone!–And renounce any ties or loyalty to the true Prince!–Anyone who refused to do so, if captured, was to be killed immediately!–As was anyone who was caught helping to hide or protect the Princess!

AFTER MANY MONTHS OF SEARCHING, ONE FATEFUL DAY THE DRAGON and HIS FORCES FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH THE POOR PRINCESS! They had her cornered and it looked like her end! Slowly and deliberately the scaly body of this great Red Beast slithered towards the helplessly trapped Princess!–His serpent-like eyes were gleaming and gloating with victory. "At last I’ve got you!" he roared, as he opened wide his foul mouth, baring the fangs he was about to devour her with!

–WHEN SUDDENLY, A BLINDING FLASH OF LIGHT and THE THUNDEROUS BLAST OF GREAT TRUMPETS FROM THE HEAVENS FREEZES HIM IN HIS TRACKS! His serpentine eyes gaze skyward and to his astonished horror, in the clouds, riding in majesty and glory, the True Prince has returned to save the day! With a mighty shout He calls His Love, His Bride for whom He has come, and by His Heavenly power, He sweeps her up to His Palace in the sky to be with Him!–At last she is safe in the arms and bosom of her Lover!

THE PRINCE OF LIGHT THEN WHISKS HER AWAY TO THE MANSIONS HE HAS PREPARED FOR HER and THEY ARE WED, fully joined together at last!–And they have the grandest, most thrilling and exciting Victory Party and Celebration ever held!–While the terrified Dragon and his wicked forces are destroyed on the Earth below!

–THIS LITTLE STORY IS NOT TAKEN FROM A BOOK OF FABLES, legends or nursery rhymes, but from the Word of God in the Bible! For the Bible says that God’s children, those who love and believe in His Son Jesus, are the "Bride of Christ", the Wife of Jesus, who is the "Prince of Peace"! (Rom.7:4; Isa.9:6) And though He is not yet with us physically on this Earth, we know Him very well through His wonderful Words or "Love Letters" which He has given us! (Jn.6:63)

THE FALSE PRINCE IS THE DEVIL, the great deceiver, who seeks to turn God’s children away from the Lord by any means possible! The Bible says that Satan, the great Serpent or Dragon, will soon fully possess a man known as the Antichrist, who will rise to become the powerful leader of a One-World Government that will rule the Earth for 7 years! For the first 3-1/2 years of his reign he will deceive many into believing that he is a great man of peace, the saviour of the World! But in the second 3-1/2 years of his reign, he will demand that all the World worship him and deny and turn against any other God or religion! (See Revelation 12 and Revelation 13!)

THUS THE LAST HALF OF HIS REIGN WILL BE GREAT TRIBULATION and PERSECUTION SUCH AS THE PEOPLE OF FAITH HAVE NEVER KNOWN! But the Lord has promised to protect, provide for and empower His children during this time! At the very end of the Antichrist’s reign of terror, Jesus Christ Himself will return "in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory!" (Mt.24:29-31), to rescue and resurrect all of His saved loved ones, His Bride, from off of the face of the Earth, to join Him in the air! (1Thes.4:16,17)

WE WILL ALL THEN FLY AWAY WITH THE LORD TO THE "MARRIAGE FEAST OF THE LAMB!" (Rev. 19:6-9)–The greatest Party ever held!–A wonderful reunion with the Lord and all of our loved ones, our Victory Celebration over all the forces of evil!–Where the Lord will reward all His faithful children with beautiful, eternal "Crowns of Life" (Rev.2:10), as you can see in this picture! This Party will be held in God’s great Heavenly Space City!–The beautiful clear-as-crystal golden City which is 1500 miles long, wide and high, prepared by Jesus Himself for all of His billions of children who have ever lived!

ARE YOU PART OF THE "BRIDE OF CHRIST", THIS WONDERFUL PRINCESS WHO LOVES and LIVES FOR JESUS and longs for His soon return?–Or will you be deceived by the Dragon’s Antichrist and be one of the enemies of the True Prince and His Princess? Will you attend and enjoy that wonderful Heavenly Party in God’s Own Space City?–Or will you be left behind on the Earth to suffer the Wrath of God against the Devil’s Antichrist and his wicked forces below?

YOU CAN BELONG TO JESUS RIGHT NOW by simply praying this little prayer: "Lord Jesus, I believe that You are the Son of God and that You died for me. Please forgive me for all my sins. I ask You, Jesus, to please come into my heart and make me Yours and give me Your free Gift of Eternal Life! Help me to love You and stay faithful to You until You return! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen."

GOD BLESS YOU! We love you!

Copyright © 1998 by The Family International


  • mm

    My name is James Arendt. I was raised in the Hegewisch neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, served in the USAF from 1970 to 1974, and became a full-time missionary for Christ living 40 years in Japan, 3.5 years in Russia, and a few months in other countries such as Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, South Korea, Taiwan and mainland China where I also served the King of Kings, Jesus, as an Ambassador for His Kingdom. My full bio. If you like this article and my work on this website, you can show your appreciation by sending me a gift. This website and my daily work on it adding new articles is because of faithful followers of Jesus Christ whose hearts the Lord touched to send us a gift towards our support. I'm now 74 and get only a small social security pension from the US government because I worked only 10 years under the Social Security system. My wife and I live frugally in the Philippines, where the cost of living is much lower than in the USA, but we still need to pay for the domain name, We need and appreciate your support! Thank you so much!

    My PayPal ID: ten.npjsemajnull@tdnera.semaj

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