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For God's sake, don't praise man!--Praise God! Give Him all the glory!

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Why does God allow tragedy and disaster?
Souls going to Heaven after a disaster.

Why does God allow tragedy and disaster?

In order to truly understand the problem and know the answer to the age-old question of why God allows suffering in the World, you must believe in God and His Love and His faithfulness and His righteousness, goodness, mercy, justice and fairness. Then you know there's got to be an answer, a good answer!

How you interpret such events depends on whether you believe in God or not and whether you believe in the afterlife or not. If there were no afterlife, then the whole thing is a farce and a tragedy and a travesty against justice. But to the believer who has implicit confidence in the Lord and His mercy and His righteousness and justice and fairness, and implicit belief in life after death, it's obvious what God is doing! He's either punishing the wicked in some disaster, or He's releasing and relieving the righteous into a better life.--Or both!

God is just, God is loving, God is pure, God is holy, God is perfect, and everything will work out perfectly in the long run. There will be perfect judgement and punishment for the wicked, and perfect reward for the righteous. So even the disasters of God are righteous! (Pro.28:5)

Deep Truths
Site Mission Statement

Deep Truths is a collection of the basic teachings of David Brandt Berg who was my pastor for 20 years and who led me on a path of service for Jesus Christ and showed me how to love God and others. I have been a missionary for Christ in Japan from 1974 to the present with the exception of 4 years in other countries, specifically Russia, China, Estonia and Poland. My hope is this website will inspire and feed God's sheep.

You probably won't hear some of these teachings in any public school or church! It is my earnest desire that by reading these articles you will have a major paradigm shift in your life to perceive reality the way your Creator wants you to perceive it! For more information, please see the About Page

Deep Truths:
For people who "long for truth, beauty, peace, love and eternal contentment!"
To teach "deep truths" of the spirit.
To expose the "System's Godless schools, Christless churches and heartless Mammon!"
To reveal the " unseen spiritual realities of the spirit world to help us to try to understand it and grasp its truth."

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The following is a suggested reading list to introduce you to the teachings of David Brandt Berg. I guarantee that you'll either love or hate what he has to say!

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Top 10 visited pages on Deep Truths
  1. Bitterness! - The Deadly Root that Devours and Destroys!
  2. The Big Lie Exposed
  3. Bible Basics - Salvation
  4. The Church System Exposed
  5. Freedom from Fear
  6. Spiritual Pests
  7. 7000 Years of World History
  8. Musical Key
  9. Man's Illegal Laws
  10. Mountain Men

Deep Truths is dedicated to the Bible based teachings of David Brandt Berg (1919-1994), with the hope that from them you may find eternal spiritual life in Jesus Christ, the Son of God!

Deep Truths was first created on Jan. 5, 2004 in Niigata Japan. It is not an official web site of The Family International. By not "official", I mean it is not directly sponsored by the Family International World Services. Most of the articles on Deep Truths are publications from the Family International, but some of the opinions stated in the introduction to the articles are those of the webmaster, James Arendt. From January 2017 I have begun to post some different views and interpretations of Scripture that are not based on David Berg or the Family International's teachings.

The present site layout HTML/CSS code is from Beginner’s Guide To: Building HTML5/CSS3 Webpages and was created in February 2017 to make it mobile device friendly.

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